Implements the Drug Awareness Program and the Hoop Shoot Program of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.
Supervises all matters pertaining to Lodge activities of civic, social, and community interest, including one program solely identified as Elks-sponsored within the jurisdiction of the Lodge, and develops community projects that emphasize the charitable works of the Order.
Prepares, supervises, and conducts programs for the youth of the community, and implements all youth programs of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.
The Elks “Hoop Shoot” Free Throw Contest is the largest and most visible of the many youth activities sponsored by Elks Lodges. More than three million boys and girls, ages 8-13, will participate this year. The Elks “Hoop Shoot” highlights the Elks commitment to America’s youth. From the millions of youngsters who participate and advance through local, district, state and regional competition, six national champions are named — one boy and one girl in each of three categories: ages 8-9, 10-11 and 12-13. The winners each receive a trophy and their names are inscribed on a plaque at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts. Parents accompany contestants throughout the competition. The parents of finalists at the state, regional and national levels attend the competitions as guests of the Elks.
The Elks National Drug Awareness Program is the largest volunteer drug awareness program in the United States. We are very proud of our dedicated army of volunteers who freely give their time and talents to this most noble cause. The Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised in a drug-free environment.
Implements the patriotic activities planned by the Grand Lodge and cooperates with other local organizations in fostering patriotic community endeavors.
Prepares and carries out all arrangements for Flag Day services as required by the provisions of Section 2.030.
Prepares, supervises, and conducts a planned program for indoctrination of candidates and their families prior to initiation in order that all candidates and their families may become fully informed as to the good works of the Order of Elks.
Investigates the character of all applicants for membership and reinstatement, personally interviews all applicants, verifies the statements in their application, and report s at the next regular meeting of the Lodge.
Secures applications for membership in the Order, investigates and reports on all delinquencies in Lodge dues, encourages delinquent Members to pay their dues and avoid being dropped from the rolls of the Lodge, and promotes the reinstatement of lapsed Members. The committee shall regularly report to the Lodge on membership.
Implements the activities program of the Lodge, State Association, and Grand Lodge.
Arranges for the observance of Elks Memorial Day as required by the provisions of Section 2.020.
Publicizes the Elks National Foundation, promotes its programs, activities, and charities, encourages and solicits contributions, and recognizes all gifts made to the Foundation.
Implements the programs of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission within the Lodge in furtherance of service to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, responds to any calls for aid and cooperation requested by the government in any emergency, and is available to assist in the event of disaster in any area of the United States.
The operation, management and control of the house club shall be supervised and conducted by a house committee consisting of nine members, to be appointed by the exalted ruler.
Shall be subject to the control and direction of the lodge, except those actions and decisions pertaining to an employment relationship and fixing of prices for goods and services. It shall have the power to suspend a member from the club for violations of club rules adopted by the lodge for such house/club privileges for a period not to exceed one year.
The house/club committee shall present to the lodge for approval, on or before the final regular lodge meeting in April of each year, a separate and comprehensive budget and shall likewise submit to the lodge a monthly written report showing its financial condition and the condition of its budget, as provided in section 16.040, statutes of the order. House committee shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. It shall keep minutes of each meeting. The exalted ruler shall be given notice of each and all meetings held.
The Elks National Drug Awareness Program is the largest volunteer drug awareness program in the United States. We are very proud of our dedicated army of volunteers who freely give their time and talents to this most noble cause. The Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised in a drug-free environment.
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Georgia Elks Association
Elks National Foundation
Aidmore Children’s Center